A lot of things can be inspired by a true story.
Yes, there can be miracle when you believe. Mr Joe clark had shown his credibility to turn the school to a dream place where students find shelter there. Sometimes it is good to find example in the movie because we hardly encounter this character in our life. Great teachers are hard to find.
I like the movie very much because the issue played in the story was different. In other movies, the teachers usually become the protagonist and have flat characters; kind all the times. However, in this movie, I think Mr Joe Clark acted as protagonist and antagonist because not all his decisions were right and he did has fights with school teachers which I think real in actual life. From his character, I learned a lot of things. Teacher not always rights though we want the best for all. School system requires us to co-operate with all teachers to make our vision fulfilled.
I like the scene where Mr. Joe asked the students to sing a school song. When the students altered the school rhythm I thought he would get angry but not. Beyond his strictness, he accepted flexibility in order to suit with students’ interest. I agree that teacher should be an understanding to maintain good relationship with students, parents and other people. That was why at the end of the story, when he had been arrested, all his students stood behind him because they believe Mr. Joe was the best teacher to change and help them in life. What make a difference between great and good teacher is;
great teacher provides space to lean!
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