You can get the lyric here :

Yeah, a good song must have purpose. My group choose a song by Michael Jackson entitled Black or White.
We decided to choose this song because the message was clear. The song was about discrimination happened in America. As we know, America was a country that applied slavery long time ago. The status of black people and white people were far different because white people were seen superior. White people had more rights and they oppressed black people in every aspect such as in education, job, lifestyle, law and many more. That was why we felt this song appropriate to be learned in classroom. Students will be exposed to world’s history. Furthermore the video was interesting and had many examples of discriminations happened during that time. I loved the part where two babies, black baby and white baby sat together on the globe. It was very significant and I think it symbolized hope and peace Michael Jackson wanted to portray in his song.
Beside that, I enjoyed my classmates’ presentation on their selected songs especially Kiram’s group. They choose a song ‘Wind of Change’ by Scorpian. I would say a very good selection of song. The melody was so nice and I got to know that the song was dedicated to Germany. Very magnificient. Well done to all my classmates. After all I liked the activity and it was such an awakening to know that every songs tell a story.
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