Do not kill your children for fear of poverty; it is We Who provide for them as well as for you. Killing them is surely a grave sin. (Al Isra’: 31)
The Merry Maid and The Great Injustice are stories that touch about issue of pre marital sex and unwanted pregnancy. The consequence of that, Lakhsmi ( A Merry Maid) and Ah Nya (A Great Injustice) had to deal with the future of the babies which led to their decision making in the story. To abort or to deliver. Sure, unwanted pregnancy was a nightmare to every women especially when we had nobody to give help. Analyzing these two short stories I believe, as society, we should not look skeptical to those who indulge in this sin. Plus, those who ‘accidentally’ involved should not put the blame towards society for the wrong doings they had done. Both sides play important role.
Society is very powerful to influence one’ attitude and this can be seen in the short story A Great Injustice. Although Ah Nya had a well built-family, she unable to bare the society’s stigma on child born out of wedlock. At the end of the story, Ah Nya aborted the baby while Lakhsmi who raised by broken family could think wiser; at least delivered her baby and abandoned her at Johan’s doorstep. I totally disagree with abortion because it was an immoral claim of mother’s love. We don’t kill someone we love. However, it is not easy if we as society do not find ways out to stop the virus. To prevent is better that cure. I believe it starts with family, insertion of religious value, education and community. When children are well-built since they are small, God willing, our future will be bright. God has given us brain and heart to think the best way to save one’s life. Life of the babies could be different if they were given chance to live. It is true; every child is special.